The Explorer Challenge 2.0

Explorer Challenge Report

Read about the success of the Explorer Challenge over the past years in our published report.

Submit preliminary ideas here!


For the past ten years, the Explorer Challenge, originally known as the Strategic Innovation Fund, has supported collaborative and innovative ideas brought forward by the entire Marquette campus: staff, students and faculty.  The unique nature of this competition was recognized by the University Economic Development Association with its Award of Excellence in Innovation in 2018. Information about past awards can be found here. A printable PDF version of this information can be found here.

The University Innovation Council, a cross-campus group of staff, students and faculty, has developed an updated version of the Explorer Challenge
that is being launched this semester.  Explorer Challenge 2.0 builds upon the legacy of collaborative innovation of the prior competitions and focuses on two thematic areas linked to Marquette’s new strategic plan.

In addition to the designated focus areas, this year’s competition will also feature a simple one-page proposal summary supplemented by a short pitch presentation that the Innovation Council will use to determine award recommendations.  Funded projects will be able to begin in July 2025 or Fall 2025.  Details on the application process and support that is available to our campus innovation community to help develop Explorer Challenge 2.0 ideas can be found in the timeline section here.

We will start by offering an open campus “innovation sandpit” event where preliminary ideas can be discussed and where the Innovation Council and other members of the campus community will offer assistance in developing these ideas and building teams. If you are interested in submitting a project idea description for discussion at the sandpit, please complete this submission form by Thursday, February 20, 2025.

We encourage anyone who may be interested in applying to this year’s competition to submit the very brief (1-3 sentence) description and participate in the sandpit.  Additional workshops and office hours will be held to assist with project development.In addition to changes in the application format, we will be offering two different levels of funding as noted below.  This will accommodate teams who have ideas that are ready for larger scale funding (up to $25,000 for a 2-3 year project) as well as those with earlier-stage ideas that would benefit from a planning or pilot year (up to $5,000).

Funded projects will begin in July or Fall 2025.


For the 2024-25 competition, applicants can submit projects that broadly fall under two themes:

  1. The creation of innovative new cross-disciplinary collaborations (including building new research teams). Note that research proposals should involve creation of new scholarly endeavors that involve development of new cross-disciplinary teams and not be simple extensions of current research programs. 

  2. The promotion of community, well-being, and belonging across the Marquette campus community.

Two levels of funding are available.  Applicants will request the funding level best suited to their project.  Final budgets are negotiated with the Office of Research and Innovation once awardees are determined and must follow university guidelines for expenditures.  Student-led projects will require a faculty or staff team member who will provide budget oversight.

  • Projects that are ready to be implemented fully can be funded for up to $25,000, which is expected to be spent over a 2–3-year period. As in the past, a sustainability plan will be needed for projects that plan to extend beyond the initial funding. One or two awards are anticipated at this level.

  • For projects that need more planning or are early-stage pilot activities the upper limit is $5,000. Recipients of these one-year awards will be expected to meet with Innovation Council members during their award period for feedback and advice and will be eligible to apply for a larger award in subsequent years.  Up to five smaller awards are anticipated. 

The following are generally expected funding guidelines for The Explorer Challenge 2.0, formerly the Strategic Innovation Fund:

  • Demonstrate to the reader that your project is innovative. Innovation can include adaptation of existing strategies to support Marquette in new ways as well as development of brand new ideas.
  • Write for a general audience.
  • Clearly define the problem or opportunity being addressed and the strategy used.
  • Represent a cross-campus collaborative effort, as appropriate to the project.
  • Have the potential to become financially sustainable if the project is expected to continue beyond the funding period.
  • Demonstrate the impact of the project on Marquette and the broader community, as appropriate.
  • Provide a set of realistic goals that can be achieved within a defined time period.

Thursday, February 20, 2025, 11:59 PM
- Project ideas due, submission online portal closes

Friday, February 21, 2025, Afternoon
- Portal ideas made available to campus
- Office hours announced for Innovation Council to assist with project development

Tuesday, February 25, 2025, 1-4 PM @ 707 HUB (estimated timeframe, will be finalized once ideas from the portal are submitted)
- Explorer Challenge 2.0 Innovation Sandpit Event: 
Opportunity for members of the campus community to share ideas, develop projects, and build teams. The event will be facilitated by the University Innovation Council.

Friday, February 28, 2025
- Templates for one-page summary and pitch deck made available

Tuesday, March 18, 2025 (location TBD)
- Explorer Challenge 2.0 Proposal Workshops to prepare for: (a) pitch and accompanying one-page summary; and (b) budget development

Thursday, March 27, 2025, 11:59 PM
- Final proposal one-pager, budget template, and pitch slide-decks (1-2 slides) due.

First week of April 2025 (date/time TBD depending on applicant availability)
- Explorer Challenge 2.0 pitches heard

The Explorer Challenge funds may be used for a wide variety of projects including: developing new interdisciplinary research clusters, building community and industry partnerships, funding ideas that will help the university operate more effectively or efficiently, or other potentially high impact ideas that require seed funds to test concept or build momentum. Innovation can include adaptation of existing strategies to support Marquette in new ways as well as development of brand new ideas. Projects that are interdisciplinary and which have the potential for community partnership or impact are encouraged.

Explorer Challenge Stats

Faculty research ideas that could normally be supported by other mechanisms, such as the Summer Faculty Fellowship, Regular Research Grants, or Way Klingler Research Awards, will typically not be competitive for funding through the Explorer Challenge. Academic program development may be eligible but the Provost’s Program Incubator may be a more appropriate source for some of these ideas. Students looking to launch entrepreneurial ventures should also explore the resources of the 707 Hub for other funding and support opportunities.
  • Proposals should not include supplemental undergraduate financial aid. 
  • Please send questions about the fund to