Faculty Development Awards

Current Awards

Requests for FY24 will be considered on an ongoing basis. International Travel requests must be registered through OIE per UPP 1-18. For those attending virtual conferences, up to $300 will continue to be offered towards the registration cost. Funds are limited, with quarterly caps. Please make sure to use your departmental funding first. Requests for travel awards should be made in advance of the trip.

Tenured and tenure-track faculty are eligible to apply for funds to assist with costs associated with publication and provide travel support for the purpose of presenting their research, performance, exhibition or creative activity.

To provide assistance to faculty, the Vice President of the Office of Research and Innovation has established the Faculty Development Award. This internal funding is designed to assist tenured and tenure-track faculty in promoting their research and professional development in a quick turnaround time period. This funding is intended to supplement and not supplant funding available from other sources such as department travel allotments, start-up packages and deans awards.

Since the number of worthy requests exceeds the available budget, funding is necessarily limited to those situations where it can be shown that modest support will make a crucial difference in one's career. Preference will be given to requests that have supplemental funding from the individual's department, college or other source. No more than one award perfaculty member will be made in each category.

NOTE: If you are a Participating Faculty funding may be available through here

What is Supported – Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty Travel and Publication Costs

1. Travel to Present Research at a Conference

a. Awards up to $600 for domestic travel expenses and/or conference fees;

b. Awards up to $1,000 for non-domestic travel within the continent (with dean approval) for expenses and/or conference fees.

c. Awards up to $1,400 for travel to other continents (with dean approval) for expenses and/or conference fees.

d. Awards up to $300 for virtual conferences.

e. Travel that starts in June and ends in July can only use one award.

f. Requests for travel awards should be made in advance of the travel. 

2. Publication Costs

a. Awards up to $300;

b. Awards are primarily intended to cover “page charges” for peer-reviewed professional publications;

c. Requests for indexing and other costs associated with scholarly publications will be considered;

d. Costs for multiple-author publications must be equitably distributed among co- authors and their respective institutions;

e. Normally, funds cannot be used for overcharges such as pages exceeding the publisher’s set limit or for rapid publication.

How Awards are Issued

  • Awardees, their department chairs, and their deans are notified electronically by the Vice President for Research and Innovation usually within five working days.
  • Awards are cost-reimbursable. The notification email will include instructions on how to access the funds via iExpense. It is the awardee’s responsibility to submit their receipts in iExpense for reimbursement. The awardee is reimbursed only for eligible project costs during the same fiscal year. The awardee is responsible for disallowed costs.
  • The department must adhere to the university’s purchasing and other policies in administering these awards.

Funding Timelines

  • Funding must be spent in the semester or session for which it is allocated.
  • A specific amount of funding for requests is segmented for Fall, Spring, Summer I and Summer II semester/sessions.
  • Once funding has been used up for a given semester or session, additional requests will not be considered until the beginning of the next semester or session.
  • Since funding runs out each semester, it is important to transmit requests as soon as travel plans are known for a particular semester.
  • Only one travel request can be considered each fiscal year.
  • Requests for travel awards should be made in advance of the travel.


Complete the online submission form: Faculty Development Awards Form.