Teaching Assistant Resources

Teaching Assistant Opportunities

In the Physics Department, undergraduate students have the opportunity to become salaried teaching assistants! Teaching Assistants (TAs) teach the lab component of introductory physics courses. TAs attend a training session at the beginning of the semester, as well as weekly TA meetings. They are responsible for running the lab section, grading assignments, and holding office hours.

Courses for which TAs are hired:

  • Fall
  • Spring
  • PHYS 1001 (General Physics 1 with Algebra; mostly pre-med/health science students)

  • PHYS 1003 (General Physics with Calc 1; for engineering students)

  • ARSC 1020 (Major Concepts in Modern Science 1; for non-science majors)

  • PHYS 1002 (General Physics 2 with Algebra; mostly pre-med/health science students)

  • PHYS 1004 (General Physics with Calc 2; for engineering students)

  • ARSC 1021 (Major Concepts in Modern Science 2; for non-science majors)

Apply Today!

If you'd like to apply, fill out an application.

Working at Marquette

Questions about working at Marquette? Check out the Student Employment Services website, or visit them on the first floor of Zilber Hall.

TA Resources