Program Probation

In order to make timely progress towards applying for internship prior to their seventh year, students are expected to complete their Master's degree work by the end of their third year at the latest.

Students who do not complete master's degree requirements by the end of the spring semester of their third year in the Program will automatically be placed on "Program Probation."

  1. Any student placed on Program Probation can appeal to the DCT and the Graduate Committee to have that status rescinded.

  2. A student may remain on Program Probation for one year.

  3. If the master's degree requirements are met within one year (by the end of the Spring semester of the student's fourth year in the Program), the student will return to status of "Good Standing" in the Program.

  4. While on Program Probation:

    (1) the student will not be allowed to register for additional courses (the student may register for "Continuous Enrollment");

    (2) the student will not be allowed to attend externship training;

    (3) the student is not eligible to receive financial aid.

  5. Within two weeks of receiving notification that he or she has been placed on Program Probation, the student must schedule a meeting with the DCT to discuss the situation.

    (1) The student will be expected to present a letter from their master's advisor regarding plans for completion of the master's work.

    (2) The student is encouraged to prepare and submit a plan of remediation to address the situation.

  6. After one year of probationary status has elapsed, the DCT and Graduate Committee will recommend to the Dean of the Graduate School that the student be dropped from the Program. The Graduate School Dean has the ultimate decision regarding dismissal.

  7. Any student facing dismissal for reasons related to Program Probation can request a hearing with the Graduate Committee to appeal that dismissal. Appeals must be made within three months of the dismissal notification. To make the appeal, the student should submit to the Graduate Committee a written statement outlining in sufficient detail the reasons for appealing the dismissal.

    (1) A student may appeal to the Graduate Committee to be allowed to remain in the doctoral Program. If allowed to remain in the Program, the student will continue on Program Probation.

    (2) A student may appeal to the Graduate Committee to be allowed to complete the master's degree requirements, even though he or she has been dismissed from the doctoral Program. Students will need to meet the Graduate School's time requirements for completion of the master's degree.