Psi Chi: The National Honor Society in Psychology

Psi Chi

Psi Chi is the National Honor Society in Psychology. It is affiliated with the American Psychological Association and the Association of College Honor Societies. At the national level, PSI CHI recognizes scholastic achievement and interest in psychology. The Department of Psychology’s Psi Chi chapter tries to offer enjoyable enhancements to the usual scholastic activities, including movie nights, speakers, and other activities. It is a way to meet others who share your enthusiasm for psychology. Membership in Psi Chi indicates to all graduate schools that you have attended an accredited school whose program in psychology met Psi Chi approved standards. It is a way to meet potential colleagues and to develop contacts that can benefit you throughout your professional life. Members get free admission to the American Psychological Association National Convention.

Marquette’s Psi Chi Chapter: Officers, Requirements and Application

  • Each spring, new officers are elected to serve during the next academic year. Elected officers (President, Vice President, Treasurer, Social Media Director, and Events Director) lead, plan, organize, and run all society activities.
  • Students need to have completed 3 semesters of college level coursework and need to be a second semester sophomore at time of application submission. 

  • Applicants must have completed a full nine (9) credit hours in psychology. Applicants must be registered with psychology as either a major or a minor.
  • Undergraduate applicants are required to have attained at least a 3.0 overall GPA and a 3.0 average in psychology. Applicants must also have a cumulative GPA that is within the top 35% of college hosting the chapter (i.e., Klingler College of Arts & Sciences). Graduate applicants must have attained an overall average grade of “B” or better.
  • Each applicant must have a sincere interest in learning and sharing ideas about psychology and display a willingness to be involved in the activities of PSI CHI. All applicants must demonstrate high standards of personal behavior.
  • Applications are made online at The one-time membership fee of $65.00 ($55.00 goes to the international organization and $10.00 goes to the chapter) guarantees a lifetime membership.