Diversity Advocates Placard
Gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered students, students of color, students with disabilities, first generation college students, and students whose religious affiliation is other than Catholic or Christian have reported that they often feel invisible on campus and sometimes experience the campus climate as “cold” or hostile. These experiences frustrate our attempts as educators to foster student development and learning. Displaying a Diversity Advocates placard on your door or in your office is one way for you to become more visible to those who may feel invisible. This placard is a symbol that communicates to students and colleagues a willingness and commitment to provide an atmosphere of acceptance, support and assistance.
By displaying the Diversity Advocates placard you may expect students and colleagues to:
- Be more open in discussing concerns with you.
- Expect confidentiality regarding conversations unless they inform you otherwise.
- Seek you out for support or information about diversity concerns and resources.
- Expect you to raise awareness about issues of diversity and confront comments or behaviors that negatively target others because of their race, ethnicity, gender, age, ability, sexual orientation, social economic status, and/or religious affiliation.
- View you as an ally for underrepresented groups and as someone who is making a difference on campus.