Dr. Nathan Weise
Dr. Nathan WeiseMarquette University

Engineering Hall, 242

MilwaukeeWI53201United States of America
(414) 288-6193Electric Machines and Power Electronics at Marquette (EMPOWER) Website
Curriculum Vitae

Associate Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Google Scholar Page


Ph.D., 2011, Electrical Engineering, University of Minnesota
M.S., 2007, Electrical Engineering, University of Minnesota
B.S., 2005, Computer Engineering, University of Minnesota

Research Interests

  • Power Electronics
  • Power and Energy Conversion
  • Electric Drives
  • Vehicular Power Systems
  • High Voltage Direct Current Converters
  • Power Electronic Transformers
  • Control of Renewable Energy Sources
  • Control of Power Electronic Systems

Selected Recent Publications

Abarzadeh, S. Peyghami, K. Al-Haddad, N. Weise, L. Chang, and F. Blaabjerg, “Reliability and performance improvement of puc converter using a new single-carrier sensor-less pwm method with pseudo reference functions,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 6092–6105, 2021.

T. Fard, Waqar Khan, J. He, N. Weise, and M. Abarzadeh, “Fast online diagnosis of open-circuit switching faults in flying capacitor multilevel inverters,” Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 53–62, 2020.

 Abarzadeh, Waqar Khan, N. Weise, K. Al-Haddad, and A. M. EL-Refaie, “A new configuration of modular multilevel converter based on parallel connection of 3l-anpc converters controlled by improved modulation method for 1mhz, 1mw ev charger,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., 2020.

Baranwal, N. Weise, K. Basu, and N. Mohan, “A bidirectional soft-switched dab based single stage three phase ac-dc converter for v2g application,” IEEE Trans. Transport. Electrific., vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 186–199, Mar. 2019.

Katebi, J. He, and N. Weise, “Investigation of fault tolerant capabilities in an advanced three-level active t-type converter,” IEEE Trans. Emerg. Sel. Topics Power Electron., vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 446–457, Mar. 2019.


Honors and Awards

Quick Links


Dr. Majeed M. Hayat
Chair and Professor
Phone: (414) 288-6820
Fax: (414) 288-7082

Marquette University
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Olin Engineering Room 206
1515 W. Wisconsin Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53233

Opus College of Engineering


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