Applied Mathematical Economics Major

In today’s business and financial world, a strong preparation in the fundamentals of both economics and mathematics is crucial to success. With this major, students will be prepared to go directly into the business world with skills that are in high demand, or go on to graduate study in economics or finance.

A perfect match for your aspirations. 

Economics students will find this major to be excellent training for employment as a business economist or as preparation for graduate study. The mathematics, engineering or science student who wants to use mathematical expertise to learn a business discipline will find this major to be an interesting and useful application of mathematics.

Become a problem solver.

Mathematical and statistical models are becoming increasingly important as tools for prediction and analysis. By combining the quantitative methods of mathematics with an applied science, students will analyze problems faced by business firms and consumers in order to solve real problems.

The best of both worlds.

This interdisciplinary major blends mathematics and economics to provide the quantitative tools necessary for modern economic analysis.

Some of the classes you'll take:

  • Behavioral Economics
  • Calculus I, II, III
  • Econometrics
  • International Trade
  • Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory
  • Mathematical Modeling and Analysis
  • Principles of Microeconomics and Principles of Macroeconomics
  • Theory of Probability
  • Time Series Analysis

For a complete listing of required courses for the program in applied mathematical economics, please visit the Marquette University Online Bulletin at this link.