Marquette’s Raynor Library and the Ray and Kay Eckstein Law Library offer more than 1.5 million volumes, hundreds of research databases, computer access, laptops on loan, a CD and video collection, and library staff members who help researchers from around the world.

Raynor Library

Raynor Library offers welcoming, learning-centered 24/5 spaces with a host of services and resources that support discovery, research, and knowledge-sharing. The library serves as a “third space” beyond the classroom and residence halls, featuring comfortable, technology-enhanced areas for individual and group study, a podcast/video editing room, a meditation room, and laptop loans.

Marquette students can tap a wealth of expertise at Raynor Library. Personalized research support (in person and online) and online research guides are available for the full range of Marquette’s academic disciplines. Access to robust research collections is another signature service of Raynor Library, including more than 1.5 million printed books, 500 research databases, and many one-of-a-kind historical collections—from Dorothy Day’s papers to original J.R.R. Tolkien manuscripts. For more information on Raynor Library and to find a subject liaison librarian, visit the Raynor Library homepage.

Ray and Kay Eckstein Law Library

The Ray and Kay Eckstein Law Library is a library without borders — a library fully integrated into Eckstein Hall and the law school community on all four floors. The law library collection is available to law faculty and law students all times the building is open. All non-law MU faculty and students are welcome to use the law library during building hours. However, at times, access to the third and fourth floors is restricted to the law community. To obtain items on the third and fourth floors during these restricted periods please inquire at the circulation desk. The law library is also open to the public for purposes of conducting legal research. Public patrons must adhere to Eckstein Hall’s visitor policy. Reference librarians and library staff are available during library service hours.

Visit or call for more information about law library services and access. Visit the Ray and Kay Eckstein Law Library homepage.