Retreat Policies - Silent Directed

Marquette retreats are an opportunity for participants to disconnect from their normal routine, away from the city, to build community, reflect on one’s personal faith journey, and actively integrate experiences of life, relationships, and faith. If you wish to participate in the Silent Directed Retreat, you should be aware of the following items.

  • Retreatants are expected to attend the entire retreat unless other arrangements have been made with Sara Knutson.
  • Retreatants are expected to respect other retreatants; Campus Ministry, Faber Center, and retreat center staff; and retreat center property, and to follow all guidelines and policies established by the retreat center.
  • Registrations will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. Completed registration for a retreat occurs once the fee is paid and the waiver is signed.
  • If there are more registrants than spots, retreatants will be placed on a waiting list and notified of this.

Register for the Silent Directed Retreat.