Computer Vision and Sensing Systems (COVISS) Lab

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The Computer Vision and Sensing Systems (COVISS) lab is interested in fusing observations obtained at different points in time or space or even with different sensing modalities. In order to keep our scientific contributions relevant, we work in close collaboration with researchers in several other areas, from agriculture to biomedical engineering and health sciences. The lab has developed research projects such as Autonomous Target Tracking using an Unmanned Air Vehicle, Distributed Multi-target Tracking using Camera Networks, and Human Activity Recognition using Multiple Sensing Modalities, all of which have applications in research, teaching and industry.

The lab is directed by Dr. Henry Medeiros, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering. Before joining Marquette, he was a Research Scientist at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University and the Chief Technology Officer of Spensa Technologies, a high tech start-up company located at the Purdue Research Park. He received his Ph.D. from the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University in 2010 as a Fulbright Scholar. His research interests include computer vision, robotics, sensor networks, and embedded systems.

Learn more about the COVISS Lab on their website.

COVISS Lab location
Haggerty Hall 450
1515 W. Wisconsin Avenue
Milwaukee, WI  53233


Dr. Henry Medeiros

Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering 
(414) 288-6186