Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

A group of nursing students

Students in Project BEYOND-2 gather at a program celebration. BEYOND-2 provides scholarships, tutoring and peer support to students from under-represented communities.

Marquette University College of Nursing is a community of learners committed to increasing diversity and promoting a sense of belonging for all. We are guided to be individuals for and with others and called to respond to our communities' greatest social justice needs. It has never been more important for The Marquette Nurse and the MUCN community to stand against injustice, promote anti-racist environments, respect all individuals, advance dialogue, and act.

All members of the College of Nursing community are charged with the commitment to and promotion of inclusion, belonging, and equity; to treat everyone with care, respect, and to value differences every day.

Learn more about our Commitment to Equity & Inclusion and Solidarity.  

Growing a Diverse Community

Marquette University’s College of Nursing is committed to significantly advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion both within and outside our walls. This commitment is rooted in our strategic initiatives and supported by generous gifts such as a$31 million transformational donation to the College of Nursing to boost scholarships and increase student diversity. Growing our diverse faculty and staff will help our students prepare for the shifting demographic landscape, contribute to a more culturally inclusive learning environment, help advance social equity and improve retention of students from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds. 

Resources for the Community

MUCN's Commitment to Equity, Inclusion and Belonging

Between Fall 2018 and Fall 2023, the percentage of undergraduate students of color in the College of Nursing increased from 20.6% to 27%. This happened while the undergraduate population increased by more than 20 percent from 611 to 743.

The increase in diversity is even sharper in our graduate school, which is now comprised of 30.5% students of color, up from 12.9% in Fall 2018. Our graduate population in 2023 is nearly 20 percent higher than it is was five years prior.

We are committed to creating opportunities for diverse students in our college, as well as to fostering an environment where all can thrive.

A graph showing the ethnic distribution of Marquette Nursing students.

2022 Student Demographics: College of Nursing Undergraduate Students 
Source: Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) 


A graph of College of Nursing graduate student demographics

2023 Student Demographics: College of Nursing Graduate Students
Source: Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) 

Marquette University's Land and Water Acknowledgement

Marquette University’s land and water acknowledgment is a statement that developed over weeks of reflection and conversation led by Indigenous student leadership with key faculty and staff. The statement recognizes the long history of Native peoples and nations that lived on and stewarded the land and water where the university now resides. It also celebrates the unbroken connection Native people and nations still have to this land and waterways, their traditional territories.  

Learn more about Marquette’s Land and Water Acknowledgement: https://www.marquette.edu/land-acknowledgment/index.php