Making a Living, Making a Difference

The activities and resources provided in the Making a Living, Making a Difference book provide college students and young adults with frameworks to approach a job search, learn basic personal finance principles, and grow in their personal and professional life.

With Making a Living, Making a Difference, you'll be able to:

  • Engage in a process of career discernment
  • Explore careers in peacemaking
  • Initiate a job search
  • Develop financial confidence
  • Thrive personally and professionally

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Making a Living, Making a Difference cover

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Supplementary resources

Use the below resources to further explore some of the activities, exercises, and information provided in the book. 

Part one: Career Discernment

If you have questions or concerns about career assessments, major exploration, or career exploration, you can schedule a career counseling appointment with the Marquette University Career Services Center.



  • Transferrable Skills Exercise (Marquette user access only)
  • "Self-Inventory" and "The Flower Exercise" in What Color is Your Parachute by Richard Bolles



Part two: Peacemaking Careers

Part three: Job Search and Career Progression

Presenting Yourself to Employers

Job Listings

Workplace Behaviors

Fundraising Skill

Business Acumen

Part four: Financial Confidence

Student Loans

Part five: Thrive Personally and Professionally

Annual Review

Career Counseling

If you would like to meet with a career counselor, please visit the Marquette University Career Services Center.