Peace Works Model, Practices, and Components

Model of change

Peace Works adheres to a model of progressive transformation. Learning peacemaking and conflict resolution skills can positively impact a student's experience of and contribution to school culture, family engagement, and peaceful neighborhoods. These skills are best learned through relationships and reinforced through school, family, and community interactions. The below model of change is adapted from The Social-Ecological Model: A Framework for Violence Prevention by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Concentric circles labeled from innermost to outermost as Student Development, School Culture, Family Engagement and Peaceful Neighborhoods

Foundational practices

The Peace Works curriculum is research-informed and grounded in three core practices:

  • Social-emotional learning
  • Restorative practices
  • Peer mediation

Program components

The Peace Works program has three main components:

  • Student instruction - Students develop skills through instructor-led sessions. Instruction is delivered in either a classroom or small-group setting. The curriculum can be implemented as a stand alone course, integrated into an existing course (such as civics, health, or homeroom), or as a religious education course.
  • Professional development - Faculty and administrators receive training to reinforce and model Peace Works practices in their classrooms and school.
  • Integrated programming - Structured opportunities for students to apply Peace Works skills vary by implementation. Examples include peer mediation programs and student-family activities.