Merry Christmas
Dear Marquette family and friends,
The St. Joan of Arc Chapel is the heart of our campus. It is where we go to find solace, peace and unity. And now in its restored glory, we celebrate all that it means to our alumni, students, faculty and staff in this year’s Christmas video, accompanied by the musical stylings of College of Nursing senior Lourdes Galido.
As we begin the Christmas season in this historic Ignatian Year, let us all take time to renew our faith in the year ahead. May we walk in the example of St. Ignatius, recognizing and embracing ways we can be brought closer to God as we celebrate the birth of His son.
This coming year brings with it a rebirth of the spirit and hope for the months ahead to be bright and faith-filled at every turn.
Merry Christmas and a blessed holiday season to you and yours.
Dr. Michael R. Lovell
Marquette University