Adjunct Faculty


Dr. Sara Pope

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    I have a PhD in Philosophy from Fordham University, and I received my MA in philosophy at
    UW-Milwaukee. My dissertation is on the topic of personal authenticity, and my research interests include existential(ist) philosophy, philosophy of action/agency, and the work of Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, and Plotinus. In my free time I enjoy being active outside (hiking, biking, etc.), spending time with my cats, and playing the ukulele.

Dr. Gregory Sadler  

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    Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design Adjunct Professor 2018-present
    Marquette University Lecturer 2017-2020
    Marist College Instructor 2011-2018
    Fayetteville State University Assistant Professor 2008-2011
    Ball State University Assistant Professor 2002-2008
    Southern Illinois University Carbondale Instructor 1999-2001


    Southern Illinois University Carbondale Ph.D., Philosophy 2002
    Southern Illinois University Carbondale M.A., Philosophy 1997
    Lakeland College B.A., Philosophy, Mathematics 1994