Third Annual Undergraduate Psychology Research Symposium

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Winner of the Nash Award*

Exploring the Complexities of Traumatic Stress Presentation: Comorbidity, Symptomatology, and Behavior
Meaghan Brackin and James Hoelzle

*The Nash Award is given annually to an undergraduate student researcher who demonstrates statistical competence in their research project. The Award is in honor of Dr. Richard Nash, who was a faculty member who taught undergraduate statistics for many years.


Colored Ink and Memory
Bridget O'Brien

Boss Lady

Boss Lady: A correlational study of women’s career aspirations and self-esteem
Mary Tait, Maxine Ziegler, Renee Vogel, Monica Dreesen, Veronica Cortes-Castro, Mackenzie Kirkman, MahaBaalbaki, and Debra Oswald


Relationship between Emotion Dysregulation and Skin Conductance Response During Trauma and Neutral Imagery in Trauma Survivors
Claire Sheeran; Hailey Begg; Terri deRoon-Cassini; Christine L. Larson; Jacklynn M. Fitzgerald


Dynamic Decision Making Tasks: Cognitive & Personality Correlates of Performance, Group Dynamics, and Cognitive Workload & Fatigue
Cooper Bednarczyk, Ryan Hagan, CamerhonJohnson, AlitzaKlapperich, Laura Marsicek, William Futch& Stephen J. Guastello


The Effects of Time of Day on Memorization Skills of Young Adults
Hailey Wilson, Rebecca DeBoer, and Kelsey O’Brien


Does Home Impact Health?: Area Deprivation Index and Re-exposure to Trauma
Jill Finnel,Terri deRoon-Cassini PhD., Andrew Schramm PhD, and Lucas Torres PhD.