Dean’s Donor Initiatives

Dean's Circle

Though gifts at any level are greatly appreciated, donors of $1,000 or more in a given fiscal year (July-June) are recognized in the Dean’s Circle Donor Recognition Society. Dean’s Circle donors receive a limited-edition lapel pin, an invitation to our annual donor recognition reception and are recognized in our Dean’s Circle Honor Roll of Donors.

President’s Society

Gifts of $2,500 or more also qualify donors for membership in the University’s President’s Society.

Dental School Dean's Fund

A gift to the Dental School Dean’s Fund provides Dean Kalenderian with unrestricted funds to meet the school’s most pressing and often unbudgeted needs, like discounted care for underserved patients, technology upgrades, equipment replacement and innovative research. Secure in the knowledge that 100% of your gift stays within the Dental School, your generosity provides the school the flexibility to meet future needs.

Community Outreach

Last year, our clinics treated a population in desperate need of quality dental care: more than 27,000 patients through over 94,000 individual patient visits. Reaching patients in 64 of Wisconsin’s 72 counties, we treated over 6,700 Medicaid patients in our Milwaukee clinics alone. Your gift can help keep these clinics open, accessible and well-equipped.

Technology Upgrades and Equipment Replacement

Recent support helped secure over a half-million dollars in critical technology upgrades, including the completion of a digital radiography system, the purchase of additional high-speed hand pieces and upgraded dental lights, among many other items. Future support will ensure we continue to teach students and treat patients using the most up-to-date technology.

Research & Innovation

Developments in dental and craniofacial research have led to significant improvements in dental care and patient health. With our recent expansion, our Dental School now has an innovative research facility that allows our faculty, residents and students to participate in the exciting journey of discovery.

How can I donate? 

  1. Visit the online donation form
  2. Enter the amount you wish to give.
  3. Choose "Dental School Dean's Fund" from the "Designation" drop-down menu and click "Add donation"
  4. Enter gift details.
  5. Click "Continue" to proceed towards payment page.


Carol Wacker
Managing Director of Development
School of Dentistry
Phone: (414) 288-0433