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Refereed Journal Articles
Griffin, R. J., and Dunwoody, S. (2015). Chair support, faculty entrepreneurship, and the teaching of statistical reasoning to journalism undergraduates in the United States. Journalism: Theory, Practice, and Criticism, 17 (1), 97-118.
Spartz, J. T., Su, L. Y.-F., Griffin, R. J., Brossard, D., and Dunwoody, S. (2015). YouTube, Social Norms and Perceived Salience of Climate Change in the American Mind. Environmental Communication, 9 (4). First published online 25 June.
Moyer, C., Pokrywczynski, J. V., and Griffin, R. J. (2015). The relationship of fans' sports team identification and Facebook usage to purchase of team products. Journal of Sports Media, 10 (1), 31-49.
Book Chapter
Dunwoody, S., and Griffin, R.J. (2015). Risk Information Seeking and Processing Model. In H. Cho, T. Reimer, & K. McComas (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Risk Communication (pps. 102-116). Thousand Oaks, CA. Sage.
Turner, Lynn H. (Professor)
Book Chapter
Turner, L. H., West, R. (2015). The challenge of defining “family.” In Lynn H. Turner & Richard West (Eds.). The Sage Handbook of Family Communication (pp. 10-25). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Turner, L. H., & West, R. (2015). The SAGE Handbook of Family Communication. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 978-1-4833-4595-6
Other Intellectual Contributions
Turner, L. H., & West, R. (2015). Family Communication. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Video Collection.
Turner, L. H. (2015). Foreword. Family communication in the age of digital and social media. In Carol J. Bruess (Ed.). (pp. xi-xiii). New York, New York: Peter Lang.
Cheatham, James D. (Assistant Professor)
Non-Refereed Journal Article
Cheatham, J. (2015). Eye Opener: Engaging the Audience by Staying Engaged. The Fight Master, 37 (2), 28-31.
Petersen, Connie (Artistic Assistant Professor)
Artistic Work
Petersen, C. L. (March 2015 - July 2015). Music performance-major participant. "Rappaccini's Daughter - Daniel Catán," Des Moines Metro Opera, Milwaukee, WI.
Brennen, Bonnie S. (Professor)
Refereed Journal Articles
Brennen, B. S. (2015). Taking our Pictures: Citizen photojournalism in traditional US news media. Journalism Practice, 9 (4), 520-535.
Brennen, B. S. (2015). Gawker going union may not be last for labor in media. Law 360.
Pauly, John J. (Professor)
Other Intellectual Contributions
Pauly, J. (2015). Book Review [Review of the book The undeclared war between journalism and fiction: Journalists as genre benders in literary history, by D. Underwood]. Journalism, 1-2.
Pauly, J. J., & Welburn, J. S. (Spring 2015). The story of Robert Hall, in black and white. Marquette Lawyer Magazine, 20-21.
Nettleton, Pamela H. (Assistant Professor)
Book Chapter
Nettleton, P. H. (2015). Hanging with the boys: Homosocial bonding and heterosexual bromance coupling in Nip/Tuck and Boston Legal. In Elizabeth Abele, Michael Kimmel & Judith Gardiner (Eds.). Screening Images of Masculinity in the Age of Post-Feminism (pp. 120-134). New York: Lexington Books, Rowman & Littlefield.
Refereed Journal Article
Nettleton, P. H. (2015). Stop the press: The future of journalism is not post-political. Communication Review, The Future of News Special Issue, 18 (2), 1-19.
Other Intellectual Contributions
Nettleton, P. H. (2015, June). Some Like It Hot: A pizzaiolo has a special relationship with his or her oven, as evidenced by Gregg Carini of the East Side’s Carini’s La Conca d’Oro. Milwaukee Magazine, 53.
Nettleton, P. H. (2015, October). The Sound of Silence, U.S. Catholic Magazine, 80 (10).
Nettleton, P. H. (2015, June). Dancing in the streets: Milwaukee’s eccentric street fests are alter egos to the big gig lakefront blowouts”. Milwaukee Magazine.
Nettleton, P. H. (2015, February). When writers write about writers: Losing David Carr”. Milwaukee Magazine.
Berg, Kati T. (Associate Professor)
Book Chapter
Wise, K., & Berg, K. T. (2015). Lobbying as relationship management: Avenues for public relations lobbying. In E. Ki, J. Kim & J. Ledingham (Eds.). Public Relations as Relationship Management: A Relational Approach to the Study and Practice of Public Relations (2nd Ed.). New York: Routledge.
Refereed Journal Article
Sheehan, K. B., & Berg, K. T. (2015). Thinking pink?: Consumer reactions to pink ribbons and vague messages in advertising. Journal of Marketing Communications.
Grow, Jean M. (Professor)
Refereed Journal Articles
Torras, M. M., & Grow, J. M. (2015). Creative women in Peru: outliers in a machismo world. Communication & Society, 1-18. doi:10.15581/
Grow, J. M., & Deng, T. (2015). Tokens in a man’s world: A global analysis of women in advertising creative departments. Media Report to Women, 43 (1), 6-23.
Pokrywczynski, James V. (Associate Professor)
Refereed Journal Article
Moyer, C., Pokrywczynski., J. V., & Griffin, R. J. (2015). The relationship of fans' sports team identification and Facebook usage to purchase of team products. Journal of Sports Media, 10 (1), 31-49.
Uysal, Nur (Assistant Professor)
Book Chapter
Uysal, N. (2015). Peacebuilding through interfaith dialogue: The role of faith-based NGOs. In Sudeshna Roy & Ibrahim Seaga Shaw (Eds.). Communicating Differences: Culture, Media, Peace and Conflict Negotiation, 265: Palgrave.
Refereed Journal Article
Ragas, M., Uysal, N., & Culp, R. (2015). Business 101 in Public Relations Education: An Exploratory Survey of the Arthur W. Page Society. Public Relations Review, 41 (3).