Intellectual Contributions
January 1, 2014 – December 31, 2014
Ana Garner, 2015 Scholar of the Year
Refereed Journal Articles
Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)
Garner, A. C., Mendez, E. (2014). In Barbie Zelizer (Ed.), The Never-Ending Struggle: U.S. Press Coverage of Contraception 2000-2013. Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism.
Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)
Slattery, K. L., Garner, A. C. (2014). In Robert Franklin (Ed.), News Coverage of U.S. Mothers of Soldiers During the Vietnam War: Shedding the image of Spartan Motherhood. Journalism Practice.
Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)
Garner, A. C. (2014). In Bob Franklin (Ed.), Wicked or Warranted? U.S. Press Coverage of Contraception 1873-1917. Journalism Studies/Taylor & Francis.
Communication Studies
D'Urso, Scott C. (Associate Professor)
Refereed Journal Articles
Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)
D'Urso, S.C., Fyke, J.P., Torres, D. (2014). In Pat Gehrke (Ed.), Exploring Organizational Communication (Micro) History Though Network Connections. The Review of Communication, 14 (2), 89-106.
Feldner, Sarah B. (Associate Professor)
Refereed Journal Articles
Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)
Feldner, S. B., Berg, K. T. (2014). How corporations manage industry and consumer expectations via the CSR report. Public Relations Journal, 8 (3).
Fyke, Jeremy P. (Assistant Professor)
Book Chapters
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New (Published)
Fyke, J. P., Buzzanell, P. M. (2014). In Vernon D Miller & Michael E Gordon (Ed.). Meeting the Communication Challenges of Training. Meeting the Challenges of Human Resource Management: A Communication Perspective: Routledge.
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New (Published)
Buzzanell, P. M., Fyke, J. P., Remke, R. (2014). In V. Bhatia & S. Bremner (Ed.). Professionalizing organizational communication discourses, materialities, and trends. The Routledge Handbook of Language and Professional communication. New York, NY: Routledge.
Refereed Journal Articles
Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)
D'Urso, S. C., Fyke, J. P., Torres, D. (2014). In Pat Gehrke (Ed.), Exploring Organizational Communication (Micro) History Through Network Connections. The Review of Communication, 14 (2), 89-106.
Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)
Lucas, K., Fyke, J. P. (2014). Euphemisms and ethics: A language-centered analysis of Penn State’s sexual abuse scandal. Journal of Business Ethics, 122 (4), 551-569.
Shuter PhD, Robert M. (Professor)
Book Chapters
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New (Published)
Shuter, R. M. (2014). In Samovar, Porter, McDaniel, Roy (Ed.). The Promise of Intercultural New Media Studies. Intercultural Communication: A Reader (14th ed., pp. 472-481). Boston, MA: Cengage.
Turner PhD, Lynn H. (Professor)
Book, Textbook-Revised (Published)
West, R., Turner, L. H. (2014). IPC, 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Cengage.
Other Intellectual Contributions
Foreword for a book (Published)
Turner, L. H. (2014). In Robert X. Browning (Ed.). Foreword. The C-Span Archives: An interdisciplinary resource for discovery, learning, and engagement (pp. xi-xii). West Lafayette, Indiana: Purdue University Press.
Digital Media and Performing Arts
Brown, Joseph V. (Instructor)
Other Intellectual Contributions
Book Review (Accepted)
Brown, J. V., Practical Moviemaking: A Handbook for the Real World. (vol. 66, pp. 1). Champlain, IL: Journal of Film & Video / University of Illinois Press.
Chattopadhyay, Sumana (Associate Professor)
Book Chapters
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New (Published)
Benoit, W. L., Tenzek, K. E., Allen, M., Burrell, N. A., Chattopadhyay, S., Cherry, K., Comeau, T. O., Fannin, A. D., Hansen, G. J., Jergens, R., Piazza, J., Prentice, C., Stein, K. A. (2014). Evaluation of Accounts. Interpersonal Conflict: Advances Through Meta-Analysis. New York, NY: Routledge.
Keeler, Amanda R. (Assistant Professor)
Other Intellectual Contributions
Digital Publication (Published)
Keeler, A. (2014). Style and Substance in Veronica Mars: In Media Res.
Digital Publication (Published)
Keeler, A. (2014). Toward a Television Aesthetic (Again): Antenna Blog.
Krajec, Debra S. (Associate Professor)
Other Intellectual Contributions
Digital Archive of Costume Posters 2014
Krajec, D. S., Editor.
Editor (Published)
Krajec, D. S. (2014). USITT Digital Archive of Costume Posters 2014. Syracuse, NY: United States Institute for Theatre Technology.
Ugland PhD, Erik F. (Associate Professor)
Refereed Journal Articles
Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)
Ugland, E., Smith, J., Drechsel, R., Hopkins, W., Silver, D. (2014). The Future of the Press and Secrecy: Freedom of the Press in the Twenty-First Century – An Agenda for Thought and Action. Communication Law & Policy, 19 (1), 129-139.
Journalism and Media Studies
Brennen PhD, Bonnie S. (Professor)
Refereed Journal Articles
Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)
Brennen, B. S., Brown, R. (2014). Persecuting Alex Rodriguez. “Race, Money and the Ethics of Reporting the Performance-Enhancing Drug Scandal. Journalism Studies/Routledge.
Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)
Brennen, B. S. (2014). Trajectories for the Future. Journalism Studies in Context. Journalism Studies/ Routledge, 15 (6), 695-698.
Other Intellectual Contributions
Book Review (Published)
Brennen, B. S. (2014). Review of Carole Quirke, Eyes on labor: News Photography and America's Working Class. (1st ed., vol. 48, pp. 3): Journal of American Studies.
Griffin PhD, Robert J. (Professor)
Book Chapters
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New (Published)
Dunwoody, S., Griffin, R. J. (2014). In Hyunyi Cho, Torsten Reimer, and Katherine McComas (Ed.). Risk Information Seeking and Processing Model. Sage Handbook of Risk Communication (pp. Chapter 7 pps. 102-116). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Nettleton Ph.D, Pamela H. (Assistant Professor)
Book, Non-Scholarly-New (Published)
Nettleton, P. H. (2014). Danny Yukon & the Secrets of the Amazing Lamp. (991662954th ed., pp. 154). San Diego, CA: The Sager Group.
Other Intellectual Contributions
Magazine/Trade Publication (Published)
Nettleton, P. H. (2014). Alone, But Not Lonesome. Milwaukee, WI: Milwaukee Magazine.
Review Articles (Accepted)
Nettleton, P. H. In Dr. Joan Faber McAlister, Editor (Ed.), Constructions of Normality and Deviance: Men and Women as Perpetrators of Violence in Finnish Tabloids": Women's Studies in Communication.
Cited Research (Published)
Nettleton, P. H. (2014). In Author •Danielle M. Stern (Ed.), He Won't Hurt Us Anymore”: A Feminist Performance of Healing for Children Who Witness Domestic Violence. (3rd ed., vol. 37, pp. 360-378): Women's Studies in Communication.
Cited Research (Published)
Nettleton, P. H. (2014). In Edson C. Tandoc, Patrick Ferrucci (Ed.), So says the stars: A textual analysis of Glamour, Essence and Teen Vogue horoscopes. (vol. 45, pp. 34-41): Women's Studies International Forum.
Magazine/Trade Publication (Published)
Nettleton, P. H. (2014). In Lori Bergen (Ed.), Art: Revealing the Us in the Other. Milwaukee, WI: Marquette University Comm Magazine.
Pauly, John J. (Professor)
Book Chapters
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New (Published)
Pauly, J. (2014). In Robert S. Fortner and P. Mark Fackler (Ed.). Ritual Theory and the Media. International Handbook of Media and Mass Communication Theory (pp. 172-89). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
Refereed Journal Articles
Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)
Pauly, J. (2014). The New Journalism and the Struggle for Interpretation. Journalism: Theory, Practice, Criticism, 15, 1-16.
Other Intellectual Contributions
Magazine/Trade Publication (Published)
Pauly, J. (2014). Why Partisanship Bothers Us. (Fall 2014 ed., pp. p. 20). Milwaukee, WI: Marquette Lawyer.
Slattery PhD, Karen L. (Associate Professor)
Book Chapters
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New (Published)
Slattery, K. L. (2014). In Wendy N. Wyatt (Ed.). "Ethics and Journalistic Standards: An Examination of the Relationship between Journalism Codes of Ethics and Deontological Moral Theory". The Ethics of Journalism (pp. 147-164). New York, NY: Published by I.B. Tarus & Co. Ltd in association with the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, University of Oxford.
Refereed Journal Articles
Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)
Slattery, K. L., Garner, A. C. (2014). In Robert Franklin (Ed.), News Coverage of U.S. Mothers of Soldiers During the Vietnam War: Shedding the image of Spartan Motherhood. Journalism Practice.
Non-Refereed Journal Articles
Journal Article, Professional Journal
Slattery, K. L. In James L. Stewart (Ed.), Program Addressing Problems with On-hand Resources. ASJMC Insights. ASJMC, 2013, 17-20.
Thorn PhD, William J. (Associate Professor)
Non-Refereed Journal Articles
Journal Article, Academic Journal
Thorn, W. J., Young Catholics are From a Different Culture. The Priest.
Conference Proceedings
Conference Proceeding
Thorn, W. J., Chasing Social Justice: American Journalism, Public Interest Groups and Corporate Social Responsibility. Jabalpur: International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility.
Other Intellectual Contributions
Encyclopedia Entry
Thorn, W. J. Newspaper Distribution. Encyclopedia of Journalism: Sage.
Thorn, W. J., Textbook on public presentation: writing and public speaking, Book on the history of children's magazines, Book, theoretical foundation for media literacy education.
Strategic Communication
Berg, Kati T. (Associate Professor)
Book Chapters
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New (Published)
Berg, K. T., Sheehan, K. B. (2014). In M. DiStaso & D. Bortree (Ed.). Social Media as a CSR Communication Channel: The Current State of Practice. Ethics of Social Media in Public Relations Practice. New York: Routledge and Peter Lang.
Refereed Journal Articles
Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)
Feldner, S. B., Berg, K. T. (2014). How corporations manage industry and consumer expectations via the CSR report. Public Relations Journal, 8 (3).
Ekachai PhD, Daradirek (Associate Professor)
Other Intellectual Contributions
Book Review (Published)
Ekachai, D. (2014). In Jeremy Lipschultz (Book Review Editor) (Ed.), Review of the book Edelman and the Rise of Public Relations. (3rd ed., vol. 69, pp. 334-336): Journalism and Mass Communication Educator.
Gilkerson, Nathan D. (Assistant Professor)
Refereed Journal Articles
Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)
LaMarre, H., Landreville, K., Young, D., Gilkerson, N. D. (2014). In Ran Wei (Ed.), Humor Works in Funny Ways: Examining Satirical Tone as a. Mass Communication and Society, 17 (3), 400-423.
Grow, Jean M. (Associate Professor)
Book Chapters
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New (Published)
Roca, D., Tena, D., Grow, J. M. (2014). In Jef. I. Richards & Billie I. Ross (Ed.), Advertising Education in Spain: American Academy of Advertising.
Refereed Journal Articles
Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)
Grow, J. M., Deng, T. (2014). In Linda Scott (Ed.), Sex Segregation in Advertising Creative Departments Across the Globe. Advertising & Society Review, 14 (4), Online no page numbers.
Pokrywczynski PhD, James V. (Associate Professor)
Refereed Journal Articles
Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)
Pokrywczynski, J. V., brinker, d. (2014). In Mary Sheffler (Ed.), Congruency and engagement test in an event marketing sponsorship context. Journal of Promotion Management, 20 (3), 1-13.
Conference Proceedings
Conference Proceeding (Published)
Pokrywczynski, J. V., keenan, k. (2014). The role of country of origin in brand following on social media among U.S. consumers. (vol. 2014): Proceedings of Research Summit of DMA/Marketing Edge.
Uysal, Nurcihan (Assistant Professor)
Refereed Journal Articles
Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)
Uysal, N. (2014). In Ansgar Zerfass, Universität Leipzig; Kelly Page Werder, University of South Florida (ed.), The expanded role of investor relations: Socially responsible investing, shareholder activism, and organizational legitimacy. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 8 (3) 215–230.
Non-Refereed Journal Articles
Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)
Uysal, N., Tsetsura, K. (2014). In Phil Harris and Danny Hoss (Ed.), Corporate governance on stakeholder issues: Shareholder activism as a guiding force. Journal of Public Affairs.
Wolburg, Joyce M. (Professor)
Other Intellectual Contributions
Book Review (Published)
Wolburg, J. (2014). In Geoff Lantos (Ed.), Lifestyle Brands: A Guide to Aspirational Marketing by Stefania Saviolo and Antonio Marazza. (4th ed., vol. 31, pp. 331-332). Emerald Publications: Journal of Consumer Marketing.